Tight Or Achy Shoulders Holding You Back? Try Physical Therapy!
We utilize our shoulders all day. If you are in pain, it may disrupt your routine, mood, and productivity! No matter what is causing your shoulder pain, we are here for you. Progressive Rehabilitation Associates is dedicated to providing you with natural shoulder pain relief options. Request an appointment with us today at our Coralville, Iowa City, North Liberty, Tiffin, Tipton, or Williamsburg, IA physical therapy clinic to learn more about our treatment options!
Why Does My Shoulder Hurt?
Shoulder pain can show up for a variety of reasons. Perhaps you were in an accident, strained a muscle, or have arthritis. Pain in the shoulder can range from modest aches to severe bone-on-bone pain. Whatever level of pain you are dealing with, here are some common causes of shoulder pain, that you can find help for in Coralville, Iowa City, North Liberty, Tiffin, Tipton, or Williamsburg, IA, including:
Impingement typically occurs because of abnormal movement and tracking of the humeral head as you lift your arm overhead. Pain typically occurs when you lift your arm at or above 90 degrees.
Frozen shoulder
Are you experiencing a painful loss of motion and a tightness of the shoulder joint? You might have a condition known as “frozen shoulder”, causing restriction in movement. This syndrome can occur if your arm has been in a cast or sling for a long time, or if you have been bedridden.
Some ethnic groups are more prone to this type of shoulder pain, and women between the ages of 40 and 60 are more likely than men to have this illness.
Osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis are the two most common types of arthritis that affect the shoulder. Both cause shoulder muscular weakness and make it difficult to complete everyday chores.
Rheumatoid arthritis is a condition in which the immune system attacks the membranes that surround the shoulder joint. This condition causes discomfort and inflammation.
Osteoarthritis develops when the cartilage in the shoulder joint wears down significantly. This is usually a result of age or overuse. Our Coralville, Iowa City, North Liberty, Tiffin, Tipton, or Williamsburg, IA physical therapy clinic can help you find relief for both of these issues!
Rotator cuff injuries
Symptoms of rotator cuff injuries include shoulder discomfort, arm weakness, difficulty reaching behind the back, and trouble sleeping. Surgery may be required, but physical therapy can often help reduce pain and restore strength without the need for surgery. Physical therapy will be an important part of the rehabilitation process if surgery is necessary.
Tendinitis is inflammation in the shoulder joint. Poor posture contributes to this condition because it disrupts the equilibrium of your shoulders and causes tension and weakness. When tendons become inflamed over time, tendinitis will cause swelling and severe impingement when you raise your arm.
How Can Physical Therapy Provide Shoulder Pain Relief?
Physical therapy is a non-invasive, natural, and comfortable solution for shoulder pain. Our physical therapists have treated a wide range of shoulder pain disorders, with many patients seeing considerable relief and improvement after just a few sessions!
Our physical therapist will assess several aspects of your overall health, including:
- Range of motion
- Strength
- Coordination
- Medical history
- Joint mobility
- Joint motion mechanics
Once the source of your shoulder discomfort is identified, the magic begins. A personalized treatment plan is created to manage and relieve your pain. It may include gentle hands-on treatment to aid in restoring movement, relieve soft tissue restrictions, and promote circulation. Strength-building exercises may also be included. Tips on how to prevent future shoulder pain will also be provided.
Find Shoulder Pain Relief In Coralville, Iowa City, North Liberty, Tiffin, Tipton, or Williamsburg, IA Today
Shoulder pain should not control your life. We will give you the help you need to get back to doing the things you enjoy without pain. Request an appointment with Progressive Rehabilitation Associates in Coralville, Iowa City, North Liberty, Tiffin, Tipton, or Williamsburg, IA today to begin your journey toward full shoulder pain relief!
Your Next Steps…
Request An Appointment
Receive A Custom Treatment Plan
Work Hard and Progress In Your Recovery
Recover & Enjoy Life Pain-Free!