Keep Yourself and Your Employees Safe At Work With Our Work Injury Recovery And Prevention Services!
Protect your people and your bottom line. Progressive Rehab provides a comprehensive offering of ergonomics services, training and leadership.
Our highly qualified staff is trained to focus on both risk and productivity. An ergonomics program is designed to engineer out as many hazards as possible, but it alone does not necessarily create behavior change.
We can work with your current ergonomic initiatives or assist in developing initiatives from the ground up to provide ergonomically sound work environments that are safe and efficient for your employees that change behavior and changes the culture.
Progressive Rehab is the leading workplace ergonomics and injury prevention management provider in eastern Iowa. We will build an injury prevention program specific to an employer’s needs that is simple, economical, and effective.
Progressive Rehab helps companies hire the right employees, avoid injuries, and get injured employees back to work quickly and effectively.
The cost associated with work related injuries can be a huge hit to the bottom line and hurt your greatest asset – your people.
Increase workplace safety by implementing our Ergonomics and Injury Prevention methodologies. Early intervention and triage are at the heart of keeping employees safe and decreasing workers compensation claims. We implement measures on the job site such as stretching protocols and proper workstation set-up that result in a much more safe and productive environment proven to reduce work injuries.
Finding a comprehensive ergonomic solution can be complex and frustrating. There is a simpler way. Progressive Rehabilitation Associates is the leading workplace ergonomics and injury prevention management provider in eastern Iowa.
At Progressive Rehabilitation Associates, our team of Coralville, Iowa City, North Liberty, Tiffin, Tipton, or Williamsburg, IA physical therapists will help get you back to work and get the most out of your work performance. Along with your regular treatment, we’ll instruct you on ways to reduce the risk of future injury by working smarter, instead of harder.
What Can I Gain From A Work Injury Recovery And Prevention Program?
Functional Capacity Evaluations (FCEs)
Functional Capacity Evaluations (FCEs) are highly specialized services that implement extensive physical and evaluative testing to determine the physical capabilities and limits of a patient.
As defined by the Academy of Orthopaedic Physical Therapy, “A Functional Capacity Evaluation (FCE) is a comprehensive battery of performance based tests that is used commonly to determine ability for work, activities of daily living, or leisure activities.”
These evaluations are used to measure strength, endurance, positional tolerance, and daily physical demands. This form of testing is typically done for injured employees, to determine the root of the injury and how additional damage can be prevented in the future. The data gathered is an objective way to define what the injured employee’s limits currently are, and how they can be improved upon.
Work Hardening
Work hardening is a specialized program with a different focus from post-injury therapy. The focus is to get the worker in work shape to successfully return to their pre-injury job.
The primary job functions are simulated in the clinic with indirect supervision from a therapist. This can be done in a group setting in which each patient is working on their job specific tasks required to get them back to work.
Work hardening is an ideal way to get a recovered patient back to work while minimizing the potential of re-injury.
Work Conditioning
This is similar to work hardening but usually comes before. Work conditioning is performed within the course of post-injury therapy and contains a certain work task being performed as a part of the routine therapy treatment.
An example would be a carpenter who has a shoulder injury and spends 10 minutes of his therapy treatment hammering over his head.
It is a way to help rebuild strength in the necessary areas following an injury, to make sure you are easing yourself back into your daily tasks safely.
Ready To Get Started?
If you have been injured at work, or you are an employer looking to prevent future injuries on the job, Progressive Rehabilitation Associates can help.
Contact our Coralville, Iowa City, North Liberty, Tiffin, Tipton, or Williamsburg, IA physical therapy office today to schedule your initial consultation and discover how our services can help you recover and stay safe at work!