Do You Have Tight Muscles That Won’t Stretch Out? Maybe FAT is For You
Written by Tim Schmierer, Staff PT – PRA Plaza
Have you ever felt like you had a tight muscle that you just couldn’t stretch out?
That muscle that you are trying to stretch out may not be the problem? The culprit is likely a form of connective tissue called “fascia”. Fascia is a band or sheet of tissue beneath the skin that attaches, stabilizes, encloses, and separates muscles and other internal organs. Whether though repetitive use, trauma to the area, or other inflammatory conditions, this fascia can become restricted or “tangled”. When this occurs, movement becomes impaired and further injury or loss of function can occur. Imagine having a large net placed over you. If that net is neatly placed over you, it is relatively easy to remove. Now, if that net is tangled around you, the amount of energy you have to spend to remove that net is exponentially greater. When the muscle is “tangled” in fascia it has to work harder, fatigues faster, and is more susceptible to injury.
General stretching, soft or deep tissue massage, and manipulations are relatively ineffective against this condition. However, there is help out there! Fascial Abrasion Technique, or FAT for short, is a technique that uses a metal tool to mobilize the fascia. It is a painless procedure that uses light friction to mobilize the fascia and improve range of motion. If you are a runner that has used a foam roll to work on your IT Band, you know how painful that can be. In my practice I have found that with the Fascial Abrasion Technique you can get better results without the pain.
If you would like to learn more about Fascial Abrasion Technique or would like to make an appointment, you can email me at or call our office at (319)339-3611!