Is Winter Over Yet? Stay Healthy During the Winter Months…
Written By Travis Bielefeld, PT; Owner, Clinical Manager
Co-Authored: Amanda Brandt SPT ; Des Moines University
Is winter over yet?
Although we hope the worst of winter is behind us and the Groundhog was correct when he called for early spring, we do still live in Iowa and potentially have a ways to go with snow and ice.
In the physical therapy world, preventing falls is one of the top things on our list. According to the National Council on Aging, “Every 13 seconds, an older adult is seen in an emergency department for a fall-related injury”.
Prevention of injury is the best treatment for anything. Being aware of your surroundings and cautious in the unpredictable weather can make a world of difference in not taking a tumble.
We at PRA want to help you winterize to prevent falls before they have already happened.
The National Council on Aging has some great tips from winterizing your shoes to carrying kitty litter to minimize slick spots on that dreaded “black ice”. You can find other tips and advice given by the National Council on Aging here:
One reminder if you use spikes and grippers on your shoes to prevent falls is to remove the spikes or grips before you enter the indoors. While preventing falls outdoors, they have been known to cause falls once inside.
A key factor that plays into falls is not only the weather but our BALANCE.
Housekeeping for managing your balance is to regularly review your medications, as balance impairments can be a side effect of some meds, and to get annual hearing and vision checks.
While we are on the topic of housekeeping, do just that—don’t leave your home filled with clutter for potential tripping hazards.
At PRA, we can work on balance for those who have a history of falls, or who feel their balance might be impaired. If you feel you are at an increased risk for falls, we can work with you to improve your balance, and decrease your risk for a fall.
If a fall were to occur, make sure to do a quick check of yourself to identify if you have any noticeable injuries before trying to get up. If you are unable to get up, make sure to call for help. This type of situation is a good example of where a fall alert tool might come in handy. A couple examples of this type of device can be found here:
GreatCall Splash–
Remember, mind your surroundings and keep these tips available during these cold winter months. At PRA, we can assess your risk of falling to improve your balance, decrease risk of falls, and prevent any fall related injuries.
Contact us with any questions or concerns you may have regarding your balance to maintain your overall health.